Nature’s Jewels By Carol

Beautiful blooms to wear

Carol Christenson

Jewelry and art from nature
Let the beautiful wonders of Mother Nature bring a smile every time you wear a piece of my jewelry.

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My jewelry is made from nickel-free metal and jewelry grade resin. The posts are surgical steel.


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Light up the night with these
beautiful word figures.
Beautiful by day, too.
Here are some examples.
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(Page to come.)


Home Lighted

Love Lighted

News from the North
January 2023

Thought I would get on my webpage and give you all an update on the happenings with Nature’s Jewels. It’s called “News From the North” because I live in northern Minnesota- the Land of 10,000 lakes. (There is actually more. than 10,000.)

First of all- thank you all for your support! I love making jewelry and the best part is making people happy when they find the perfect piece for themselves or someone else. That’s pretty much why I do this. I did a few shows this year and still have my jewelry at the Green Stem in Poynette, WI and at the gift shop at the Rotary Gardens in Janesville.

While I love winter and it’s downtime, plus the opportunity to get in some good exercise with snowshoeing, there hasn’t been much downtime. Why, you ask? Because it seems all we have been doing is shoveling snow! Here at our house we have had about 100 inches of snow so far and we still have at least 3 months of winter to go! As they say up here- Uff Da! With our first big snow of the season, just before Christmas, we lost a lot of trees. The snow was preceded by hours of sleet and freezing rain then came the heavy, wet snow. Spring clean up will take days and some good chainsaws.

I have no tropical vacation scheduled this year, so winter will seem extra long. I will spend the rest of the winter working on my inventory and dreaming of spring.

On the flower side of things, I’ve been branching out a bit and trying something new. I have been experimenting with putting full dried roses in resin to make paperweights. It takes a different type of resin called deep pour resin, something that took some getting used to. The first few tries didn’t turn out so well, but I think I am getting the hang of it. Check out the photos below.